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Step 2 of 3

Starter Pack Bundle

Festival Starter Bundle

500 Printed re-useable pint cups
(1 Colour)
2 Printed banners
50 Printed T-shirts
25 Printed hoodies
500 Bracelets with security seal

Popular Pack Bundle

Popular Pack

500 Printed re-useable pint cups
(1 Colour)
4 Printed banners
50 Printed T-shirts
50 Printed hoodies
50 Beanie hats
50 Polo shirts
500 Bracelets with metal seal

Premier Festival Bundle Pack

Yes Please

500 Printed re-useable pint cups
(Full Colour)
500 Printed re-useable half pint cups
(Full Colour)
500 Printed Festival lanyards
4 Printed banners
100 Printed T-shirts
50 5 Printed 5 panel hats
50 hoodies
50 Polo Shirts
500 Bracelets with metal seal
1 Printed Gazebo
50 Hi-viz printed vests

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